What are the most common problems after cataract surgery?

When you decide it is time to have your cataract removed with cataract surgery, your Perich Eye surgeon will perform an operation to remove the lens of your eye that has become cloudy and replace it with a clear artificial lens. The new lens is called an intraocular lens. You may be wondering, what kind of problems or complications could come after cataract surgery? As with any medical procedure, there can be side effects. Let’s go over some of the more common problems after cataract surgery:

Cataracts Risks Of Surgery

With over 35 years of experience, and over 65,000 cataract surgery cases performed by surgeons at the Perich Eye Center, we have expertise in the surgical correction of cataracts. Additionally, we specialize in the the latest technologies and premium lenses. We have very happy patients who are confident in our plethora of expertise but also understand the potential risks. Cataract surgery, like most surgeries, entails risks of problems and complications including:

  • Eye Infection

  • Bleeding in the eye

  • Lingering swelling inside the eye or of the front of the eye

  • Detached Retina

  • Damage to other parts of the eye

  • Pain that does not dissipate with over-the-counter medications

  • Loss of Vision

  • Dislocation of the intraocular lens that moves it out of position

  • Further treatment may be required if your vision becomes cloudy or blurry weeks, months or even years after cataract surgery. You surgeon can perform a laser procedure known as a posterior capsulotomy to restore clear vision once again.

We work closely with you to make sure you are comfortable before, during, and after your surgery understanding the process and what you need to do to ensure healing well. Perich Eye experts work with a multi-disciplinary team of specialists who collaborate to provide exactly the care you need. This wouldn't be possible without our world-class facilities. We have performed thousands of cataract surgeries across Tampa and on patients from around the globe.

How do you prepare for cataract surgery?

Before cataract surgery, your ophthalmologist will measure your eye to determine the correct focusing power for your new intraocular lens. Your eye doctor may ask you to stop taking some of your regular medications before surgery. Your doctor may also prescribe eye drops to take prior to your surgery to help prevent infection and reduce swelling caused by the procedure.

What happens on the day of your cataract surgery?

On the day of your cataract surgery, there is a three step process you will go through:

  1. Arrival: After you arrive at the outpatient surgery center, your doctor will numb your eye with drops or an injection near the eye. Your doctor may also give you a medication to relax.

  2. Surgery: Your surgeon will make tiny cuts with a laser or a blade near the edge of your cornea, which is the clear covering on the front of your eye. This will enable your surgeon to reach your lens with the cataract and remove it. Next, your surgeon will put a new lens in place.

  3. Healing: In most cases, you will not need stitches to close the incisions. The so-called self-sealing incisions will close on their own in time. Your surgeon will place a shield over your eye to protect it during the healing process.

What does cataract surgery recovery look like?

After the surgery you will want to follow all of your doctors instructions very carefully.

  • Use eye drops exactly as prescribed

  • Avoid getting soap or water directly in the eye.

  • Do not rub your eye or press on it. Your doctor may require you to wear glasses to protect your eye.

  • Wear a protective shield during sleep

  • Refrain from exercise and other activities including driving until your doctor tells you it is safe to resume them.

What causes cataracts?

Cataracts are a common eye problem that occurs as you age, they happen to the majority of us. Even your pets experience cataracts as they age, you might recognize them when their eyes start to turn a murky cloudy gray as they reach their golden years.

Everyone’s eyes have a clear lens that is right behind the pupil. This lens filters the light that comes in. It is made up of proteins and over time that protein can have build up that starts to cloud the lens. When too much protein clumps together, your eyesight can become cloudy, blurry, or even cause double vision.

This is a slow process that reduces the amount of light coming in all together. Often you won’t notice it until you realize you are squinting more, having a hard time reading small text, or even noticing a glare in the sun or at nighttime when other peoples headlights start to bother you while driving.

What are some early signs of cataracts?

  • Frequent prescription changes: Each year when you have your exam your prescription typically should remain about the same. If you have started to notice over the years that things are getting worse each time you go, this can be a sign that the cataracts are forming.

  • Corrective lens just aren’t working like they used to: This is similar to the first point. When the lenses in your eye glasses or contacts seen to be less and less affective at getting that crisp clear vision, that protein may be building up causing cataracts. This is often experienced as blurry, foggy, cloudy, or even double vision.

  • Glare or halos from light: As mentioned above, if you are having problems with glare from the sun during the day or from headlights on cars at night this is a tell tale sign your lenses are getting cloudy behind your pupil. Bright light bulbs can also have a halo effect that just hurts to look at. Any light sensitivity should be mentioned to your Doctor.

  • Changes in Colors: Since this lens was once clear and is now forming a cloudiness, colors can appear to be more dim, yellow, or dull. The vibrancy can become diluted like constantly being in a cloudy day.

This is why it is so important to have your yearly eye exam even when you don’t think anything has changed. Early detection, as with anything, can have the greatest impact on corrective measures. There are a few different types of cataracts which can cause different experiences and require specific treatments.

What may not be as surprising is that each eye can have a different progression of the cataracts, thus giving you different vision and/or symptoms per eye. A quick self test you can do is to cover one eye with you hand and then compare what you see with each eye. This often works best with your corrective lenses on to really see the difference.

If you are looking for an experienced team to help you with your cataract surgery, feel free to contact one of our six locations here. We look forward to making you feel confident in your quest to clearer vision!


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