Who is a good candidate for eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery is one of the most aesthetically rewarding procedures we do. The before and after photos are so fun and yet so impactful. Could this surgery be right for you? Considering surgery for your eyes, whether it’s for medical or cosmetic reasons, can be really intimidating. Our goal is to make you the most comfortable and confident going into the experience to give you amazing peace of mind and results.

If you have been thinking about getting an eyelid surgery, known also as a blepharoplasty, then you are already well on your way to a more youthful you! We have had some absolutely amazing results with our patients getting either an upper eyelid lift, lower eyelid lift, or for some both at once. The results can have you looking younger and more rested on a daily basis.

Who is a good candidate for eyelid surgery?

If you are bothered by extra sagging skin above or below your eyes, you may be a good candidate for an eyelid surgery. Blepharoplasty, commonly known as an eyelid lift, is a cosmetic procedure that removes loose, sagging skin, fat, and muscle from around the eye area. If you experience blocked peripheral vision because of this tissue, you may want to consider blepharoplasty to address this.

Here at Perich Eye Centers, we perform a variety of cosmetic and functional eyelid surgeries. There are many medical conditions that can cause problems with the upper and lower lids. These medical conditions can be diagnosed during a consult with one of our eye surgeons who perform oculoplastic surgery.

The best bet, is to schedule an appointment for a consultation with an experienced doctor. Perich Eye Centers specializes in both upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty designed to meet the aesthetic goals of our clients and prevent vision problems that can be caused by excess tissue. At any of our 6 convenient Central Florida locations our teams of doctors are extremely experienced and constantly keeping up with the latest technologies and techniques.

Your preliminary eye examination conveniently takes about thirty minutes, and can even be done from your own car should you choose. We ask that you please bring a photo or two of yourself from at least ten to fifteen years ago so that we can get a complete picture of your face. A passport photo is also recommended in addition to these older photos. If you are seeking treatment because of a past event like accident or surgery please also bring photos from before the event occurred.

The process starts with this physical exam and vision exam to ensure you are an appropriate candidate for surgery. Your surgeon will also take pictures of your eyelids from all angles to help plan the surgery based on your desired results.

On the day of the procedure, the surgeon will numb the eyelid area and may provide medication to ease any anxiety associated with the surgery. Then, he or she will make tiny incisions along the eyelids, remove excess tissue as detailed in the surgical plan, and close the incision with sutures.

Although this is an outpatient procedure, you should plan to have someone drive you home afterward and stay with you overnight.

What are the types of eyelid surgeries?

There are two main (most common) types of surgeries: upper and lower eyelid lift. For some people, gravity and time has done a number on the skin above the eyes, in which case the upper eyelid blepharoplasty would be considered. For others, it is under the eye that shows bags and sagging skin which leads to the potential for a lower eyelid blepharoplasty.

Upper lid blepharoplasty, also known as an upper eyelid lift, is a surgical procedure to reduce loose or excess skin found in the upper lid crease. This can reduce the weight of the upper eyelid (making it easier to keep the eyes open) and remove upper eyelid hooding (improving the peripheral vision).

This results in a more youthful, awake appearance and improve peripheral vision. The incision is made within the crease of the eyelid, resulting in no visible scar. This procedure is performed with a CO2 laser, which minimizes bruising and swelling, with a resulting faster recovery time.

Lower lid blepharoplasty, also known as lower eyelid lift, as a surgical procedure to reduce the puffiness of the lower eyelids or bags under the eyes. The incision is made on the inside of the eyelid so there is no external visible scar. In patients that have excess sagging skin in the lower eyelid, a small incision can made at the eyelash line can be made to remove the excess skin.

The entire procedure is performed with a CO2 laser, which minimizes bruising and swelling, with a resulting faster recovery time. It is very important to note that lower lid blepharoplasty is a very specialized surgical procedure and should only be performed by highly trained surgeons who have specific knowledge of the eyelid anatomy. If not performed correctly, significant scarring and deformity to the lower lid can occur.

There are four other potential eyelid surgeries: brow pexy, ptosis repair, entropion repair, and ectropion repair. These are all very specialized and should absolutely only be performed by a trained eye surgeon who full understands the intricacy of the eye area as a whole.

Brow Pexy:

This is usually performed as a cosmetic addition at the same time as an upper lid blepharoplasty. Brow pexy is a cosmetic procedure in which a permanent stitch is placed at the arch of the eyebrow to keep the eyebrow lifted. This gives a very subtle lift to the eyebrow without any external scarring and further enhances the longevity of the upper eyelid lift results.

Ptosis Repair:

Ptosis is a medical eyelid condition of the upper lid most commonly due to weakness of the levator muscle and its attachment to the tarsal plate in the upper lid. This can be corrected by a surgical procedure in which a permanent stitch is placed in the upper lid to reattach the levator muscle to the tarsal plate. Of note, this condition can be caused by other life-threatening medical conditions such as Myasthenia Gravis, which can be checked with a simple blood test.

Entropion Repair:

Entropion is a medical eyelid condition of the eyelid turning inward with resultant eyelashes scratching the eye. This condition usually occurs in the lower lid and is correctable with a surgical procedure to restore the natural architecture of the lower lid and prevent the eyelid from rolling inward.

Ectropion Repair:

Ectropion is a medical eyelid condition of the eyelid turning outward, this condition usually occurs in the lower lid and is a result of lower eyelid laxity. This usually results in significant dry eye that can cause permanent scarring of the cornea and poor vision. It is correctable with a surgical procedure to restore the natural architecture of the lower lid and prevent the eyelid from sagging.

Ready to chat with a doctor to see how eyelid surgery can benefit you? Contact us today here. Our surgeons have been serving clients in the Tampa Bay area since 1991.


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