Can you permanently cure dry eye?

When you eyes feel dry, the discomfort can be incredibly distracting. You just keep blinking hoping to get some relief. Dry eye is a common condition that can cause discomfort, irritation, and even vision problems. But the good news is, it is treatable and often very manageable.

What is Dry Eye?

Dry eye occurs when the eyes don't produce enough tears or the right balance of tears to lubricate and nourish the eyes.This common condition can result in an itching, burning, inflamed, and/or stinging sensation in the eyes. It can also cause light sensitivity and difficulty wearing contact lenses.

It may sound strange, but increased tearing may also be a symptom of Dry Eye Syndrome in some cases. The eyes’ lacrimal glands can begin to produce excess tears to respond to the irritation that occurs when tear secretion is below normal – so, when the eye is dry, an overflow of tears can result, which disguises the basic dryness that initially caused the excessive tearing.

Dry Eye Syndrome can be a very frustrating and debilitating condition. If left untreated, it can lead to severe ocular disease. Some individuals can mistake the symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome for allergies or infections, which makes it very important to have an eye exam as quickly as possible once the problems begin.

How do you treat dry eye?

The first step in treating dry eye is to identify the underlying cause. There are many factors that can contribute to dry eye, including aging, certain medications, and certain medical conditions.

Once the cause has been determined, your eye doctor can recommend a treatment plan that is right for you. There are many effective treatments for dry eye, including artificial tear drops, ointments, and supplements. In some cases, lifestyle changes such as reducing screen time and wearing sunglasses can also help alleviate dry eye symptoms.

Treatments vary on the type and severity of dry eye. Mild cases can be treated with prescription drops and oral vitamins. Chronic and severe cases require in office procedures such as Lipiflow and Blephex. These procedures are designed to unclog glands and resurface the eyelid. Think of it like getting new windshield wipers for your car and changing the fluid.

Perich Eye Center offers a variety of dry eye treatments to help patients achieve their best possible outcomes. Restasis is an FDA approved medication used to decrease the inflammation associated with Dry-Eye, thus reducing signs and symptoms. Perich Eye Center also offers Xiidra, which is the latest FDA approved medication for Dry-Eye therapy that works similarly to Restasis.

What does the outcome look like for dry-eye syndrome?

Dry-Eye Syndrome is chronic and is typically a progressive condition. It may not be fully curable depending on it's underlying cause, but in most cases can be managed successfully. Perich Eye Center doctors treatment plans will give you noticeably greater eye comfort, decrease your symptoms, and sometimes sharper vision.

While dry eye can be a chronic condition, with proper treatment and management, many people experience long-term relief from their symptoms. So, if you're suffering from dry eye, know that there is hope. Dry eye disease is one of the most common reasons that people visit their eye care professional.

What are some at home remedies for immediate relief to dry eye?

If you are having trouble with your eyes feeling dry right now, try some of these methods to see about getting some quick relief- keep in mind this may not be a total solution, but could ease your discomfort.

  • Warm moist facecloth to the dry eye or eyes: this one always feels simply marvelous! The heat from the warm water is so soothing and relaxing it just might make you want to take a nap.

    All kidding aside, take a clean face or wash cloth (a paper towel can do in a pinch too) and dampen the whole thing with nice hot water. Ring the cloth out so that it is more the warmth than dripping wet- we are not trying to have you get the whole house wet! Then fold the cloth up in a nice rectangle and find yourself somewhere comfortable to relax- bed, comfy chair, or couch can all work great. Lean your head back and place the warm moist cloth over both of your dry eyes and relax while it does it’s magic.

    The heat and moister will help to relax and refresh your eyes while warming up your tear ducts to help get them producing again. This is a great method to use right before going to bed to let your eye re-lubricate before a long nights sleep. Just try not to fall asleep until after you remove the wet cloth from your eyes once the heat has disappeared- waking up to a cold damp something is never fun

  • Over the counter eye drops: There are so many eye drops on the market today. Some are for red eye, while others are specifically for dry eye. Products like the basic Visine can help, however we find that spending some more money on higher quality eye drops can really make a difference.

    When you spend more money on the higher quality eye drops specifically for dry eye, you are getting a product that is closer to your actual tears. This means your relief will last long and you will most likely then use less of the product itself. 1-2 drops of a higher quality eye drop will sooth faster and longer than a basic entry level eye drop.

    However, if the basic eye drops is all you have available to you at the time, these can help with the relief. When dropping the liquid into your dry eyes, always make sure to wash you hands first. Generally, some of the eye drop liquid comes out of your eye when applying these which leads to you whipping away the excess. You do not want to get any dirt or dust into your eye to further irritate them. Also, be sure to tilt your head back and use your opposite hand to open the eye up as wide as possible to give the entire surface a good covering.

  • Turn off your fans or air conditioning: We know, it gets HOT here in Florida, but the air in your home or office blowing into your eyes is not helping your dry eye at all. Take breaks from the air movement if it is a super hot Florida day or avoid sitting directly under the fan or air vent. Air circulating indoors automatically drys your eyes and your skin out.

    If you have no choice but to keep this all on, try protecting your eyes with a hat that has a vision to block some of that direct air flow from going into your eyes. Also, if you are someone who tends to sleep with a fan on, this can greatly effect the dryness of your eyes. Try leaving doors open to increase air flow throughout the home or move your bed so that where you sleep is not directly under the flow. If all else fails and you simply must have the fan on or the AC vent right above you while you sleep, consider getting yourself a nice sleeping mask. This will also help keep your eyes from drying out overnight with the added bonus of a darker room while you sleep!

The increasing prevalence of dry eye disease is precisely why Perich Eye Centers are a great location for you to schedule an appointment. If you are ready to speak to a doctor about your potential dry eye syndrome, then feel free to contact one of our six locations that are closest to you by clicking here. Schedule an appointment at one of our Central Florida locations today to find the right treatment plan for you and say goodbye to dry, uncomfortable eyes forever.


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