What is the best age to have eyelid surgery?

Perich Eye Centers


Perich Eye Centers 〰️

The decision to undergo eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a deeply personal one that should be carefully considered. For many people, the desire to rejuvenate their appearance and address signs of aging around the eyes is a major motivator for seeking this procedure. However, one important question that often arises is:

What is the best age to have eyelid surgery?

While there is no definitive answer to this question, there are a number of factors that can help determine the ideal timing for eyelid surgery. From changes in skin elasticity to individual aesthetic goals, there are a variety of considerations that should be taken into account before making the decision to go under the knife.

Blepharoplasty, commonly known as an eyelid lift, is a cosmetic procedure that removes loose, sagging skin, fat, and muscle from around the eye area. Perich Eye Centers specializes in both upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty designed to meet the aesthetic goals of our clients and prevent vision problems that can be caused by excess tissue.

Eyelid lift surgery can achieve long-lasting, aesthetic, and functional improvements. Eyelid surgery can be performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, to minimize under eye bags and remove excess tissue in the upper and lower eyelid.

Anyone who is bothered by the appearance of the tissue around the eyelids and/or experiences blocked peripheral vision because of this tissue may want to consider blepharoplasty to address these issues. Often, clients who have this procedure find that they have a more awake, youthful appearance.

Who is a good candidate for eyelid surgery?

If you are frustrated with loose, sagging skin, fat, and muscle from around the eye area you could be a good candidate for an eyelid lift. This could be above your eye or directly below you eye, both areas are under the category of blethoroplasty. How old you are when considering this surgery is less important than what your current state looks like and how it is effecting you.

When you come in for your pre-op assessment for your blepharoplasty, we go over many of the standard things you are used to at any medical appointment. We will check your blood pressure and pulse, listen to your lungs and heart, and go over your medical history. We will want to know all medications you are currently, so please be sure to bring an updated list- or the actual bottles if you forgot to do so in advanced and are running out the door! Your lifestyle habits- drinking, smoking, diet, etc. will all be discussed as well.

All of this is to help determine your health’s current state to ensure you are medically able to have the surgery conducted. In addition, we will then be able to go over exactly what you will need to do in advance of the eyelid surgery. Being in good health is always the ideal and should be strived for daily with healthy eating of a variety of things, staying hydrated, and moving your body regularly.

How long can the results of an eyelid surgery last?

Results from your eyelid surgery can be profound and truly rejuvenating! These results can last for years upon years if not forever depending on which surgery you have to what area and how well it is performed. Experienced doctors like our team at Perich Aesthetics understand the ins and outs of all things eyelid surgery and can ensure you get the best results possible.

Due to being human and our bodies ever changing, the results can have various factors impact them however. Here are a few things to keep in mind when considering how long your eyelid surgery results may last:

  1. Age: While eyelid surgery can be performed at any age, older patients may see a shorter duration of results due to a natural loss of skin elasticity over time.

  2. Sun exposure: Sun damage can contribute to the development of wrinkles and sagging skin around the eyes, so protecting your skin from harmful UV rays can help maintain your eyelid surgery results.

  3. Smoking: Smoking can cause premature aging and skin damage, which can negatively impact the longevity of your eyelid surgery results.

  4. Overall health: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help prolong the results of your eyelid surgery by promoting good skin health and overall well-being.

It's important to remember that every patient is different, and your results may vary. Consulting with a qualified and experienced eye doctor can help you better understand what you can expect from your eyelid surgery and how to maximize the longevity of your results.

What happens during an eyelid surgery?

On the day of the procedure, the surgeon will numb the eyelid area and may provide medication to ease any anxiety associated with the surgery. Then, he or she will make tiny incisions along the eyelids, remove excess tissue as detailed in the surgical plan, and close the incision with sutures.

Is eyelid surgery painful?

As stated above, with the numbing of the area to be worked on, there tends to be no pain. Additionally, anesthesia is commonly used to help keep the patient relaxed and pain free. Due to the intricate nature of a blethoroplasty, this use of anesthesia also ensure the ultimate safety for your actual eyes. If you are someone who tends to flinch a lot at your regular eye exams, this is most likely your best choice.

During your recovery of eyelid surgery, you may experience some pain at the surgical site, light sensitivity, blurred vision, or dry, irritated eyes, but these problems typically resolve within a few days of surgery. Within 10 to 14 days, bruising and swelling will clear up, and you will be able to see the final results.

Closely following post-care instructions can help facilitate a healthy recovery. Control discomfort and swelling by applying an ice pack to the eyes for 10 minutes every hour. Avoid heavy lifting, vigorous exercise, and similar activities for at least a week from surgery, and refrain from smoking during that time. If you wear contact lenses, switch to glasses for at least two weeks.

Although this is an outpatient procedure, you should plan to have someone drive you home afterward and stay with you overnight.

Immediately After Eyelid Surgery:

  • Do Not Drive! Make sure you have someone to give you a ride home. There can be bruising and swelling in your eye area, unsurprisingly, and this can impede your vision. You may feel like you are ok to see and drive, however you might not realize your peripheral vision is impeded making driving more dangerous as you may not see someone or something else on the road.

  • The effects of your anesthesia could last longer than you realize! Some people will feel groggy up to 24 hours after and the medication can last in your up to a week. It is important to make sure you drink plenty of liquids- preferably water, after your eyelid surgery to help the medicine work its way through your body and to help you heal as quickly as possible.

  • Immediately following your surgery, there will be a slight noticeable swelling which will increase on day two following your operation. 48 hours following your surgery is when this swelling will reach its peak. After 48 hours, swelling should start to decrease. Applying cool packs will help to decrease swelling. We will review this with you at one of your surgical appointments.

  • Bring sunglasses with you to wear afterwards. The bright Florida sunshine can make you squint any time you go out in it. After your eyelid surgery, it is important to protect your eyes and the surgery area itself. Wearing sunglasses can help you feel more comfortable when you do step outside. Not feeling the instant urge to squint hard and potentially agitate your eyes or the skin that has just been worked on is important. Oversized sunglasses can be more comfortable to reduce the amount of sun coming in as well. This will also offer the benefit of keeping any swelling or bruising out of sight to others.

Our surgeons have been serving clients in the Tampa Bay area since 1991 so if you are ready to see if an eyelid surgery is right for you, contact one of our five Central Florida locations today (see a list below for the location nearest to you) or reach us through our contact form here.


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